But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore
I have studied at BT for 4 years starting at my 9th standard from Foundation course. All those hours spent in class studying and enjoying cannot be forgotten. I had never seen such passionate teachers before joining BT. As rightly said – BT means Brilliant Teachers.
JEE Advance AIR 2 , JEE Main AIR 7
At BT, though we were actually taught PCM, we unknowingly also underwent personality development. I feel tremendously confident and positive about my merit. This confidence is nothing but BT's gift to me.
JEE Advance AIR 11 , JEE Main AIR 3
I joined Bakliwal Tutorials in my 8th Std for the foundation course and then there was no looking back. I was totally mesmerized by the highly proficient teachers and their zeal. BT helped me discover my potential. Lucky to be a BTian.
JEE Advance AIR 7, JEE Main AIR 52
I have been a part of BT family for 5 years now. I joined BT in 8th grade for the foundation course which helped me appreciate logical reasoning and I pursued the special comp cause in Physics for 2 years, which helped me appreciate the power of fundamental thinking.
JEE Advanced AIR: 46
JEE Main AIR: 233
I began my journey in BT in the 9th Grade. All the small things about BT are memorable, the innovative & relaxed way of teaching, knowledgeable and friendly teachers guided me on this journey for JEE Advanced.
JEE Advanced : AIR 7
JEE Mains : AIR 326
At BT, though we were actually taught PCM, we unknowingly also
underwent personality development.
I feel tremendously confident and positive about my
This confidence is nothing but BT's gift to me...
I joined Bakliwal Tutorials in my 8th Std for the foundation
course and then there was no looking back.
I was totally mesmerized by the highly proficient teachers and their zeal.
BT helped me discover my potential. Lucky to be a BTian...
I have been a part of BT family for 5 years now.
I joined
BT in 8th grade for the foundation course which helped me appreciate logical reasoning and
pursued the special comp cause in Physics for 2 years.
I began my journey in BT in the 9th Grade.
All the small
things about BT are memorable, the innovative & relaxed way of teaching,
knowledgeable and
friendly teachers guided me on this journey for JEE Advanced.
I have studied at BT for 4 years starting at my 9th standard
from Foundation course.
All those hours spent in class studying and enjoying cannot be
As rightly said – BT means Brilliant Teachers..
There is no substitute for all the hard work that you alone must put in. What we do have is the knowledge, expertise and the right classroom culture. We have a simple definition of our success: When you succeed, we succeed.
Vaibhav BakliwalMoving to 6th or 7th in 2025–26
06 Apr 2025
Moving to 8th or 9th in 2025–26
06 Apr 2025
Moving to 10th std. in 2025-26
06 Apr 2025
Moving to 12th std. in 2024–25
Moving to 11th std. in acad. year 2025–…
29 Mar 2025
Moving to 11th std. in acad. year 2024-…