
(7.5 Months course for students currently in 5th/6th and moving to 6th/7th standard)

In this fast-paced world, the ability to analyse things in depth is badly missing, but is a cornerstone for excellence in most fields. This can be best developed, in relatively early years, through Math basics, thought-provoking logic-based exercises and age appropriate riddles.

We at BT believe that most students are geniuses but under nurtured by the information based instead of the thinking-based education. And when students realize that the formal education system has left them with unclear concepts and mediocre thinking, it usually is late.

Hence, the  Pre Foundation course at BT is a novel concept thoughtfully designed to work on students analytical thinking and problem solving abilities at an early stage. Here students will be having fun with Math and Logic, learning it from very high quality teachers. 

Though this is a light course, but it is best suited for students who want to experience the mental adventures rather than settling for the mundane.

The lectures are conducted once a week for 3 hours 20 mins duration (with a 15 mins break in between). The last 20 mins of every lecture shall be used for one to one doubts discussion. 

In addition to the weekly lecture, there will be problem solving/doubt session every week for 4 hours.

The Pre Foundation course is offered in 2 formats: 
 1. Pre Foundation Offline
 2. Pre Foundation Online

We will provide our own Course material with detailed theory and problems of all the topics which we shall cover in this course. We will also provide an online testing platform which is used to conduct various practice tests and online BTests (once in every month). This Online platform provides a detailed & personalised analysis of the student’s performance like time spent to solve each question, subject wise comparison with toppers, topic wise strength & weaknesses etc. giving vital inputs for improvement in the examination technique

For Enquiry, contact us on 7304 400 400 or write to us at info@bakliwaltutorialsiit.com